

嘉峪检测网 2025-02-19 20:05


Using thehierarchy of root causes (Figure 1), I ask two questions and get the sameanswers—every time:



Which is the most frequently identified root     cause?  It’s always “Personnel Error” (used for anywhere from 25-50+%     of root causes!).




Which is the least frequently identified root     cause? It’s always “Management Problem” (used for <10% of root causes).     Some companies don’t even include management as a cause!




So why do we seeso many “Personnel Errors” and so few “Management Problems?” Managers arepeople too and should therefore be just as prone to making an error as anoperator. It begs the question: Do managers truly make so few errors incomparison, or are we not correctly identifying situations as “ManagementProblems” when they occur?




What’s TheDifference?




The table belowlists different types of issues we might see in root causes related to bothoperators and managers:



(Source: Department ofEnergy “Root Analysis Guidance Document”, DOE-NE-STD-1004-92, Appendix A)


“PersonnelErrors” are pretty straightforward and relatively simple to identify when theyoccur. They typically happen when someone isn’t paying attention or makes amistake.  There also is usually an easily identifiable, maybe evenimmediate, effect of the error. 




“ManagementProblems,” however, aren’t quite as easy to identify when they happen, andtheir effect usually isn’t immediate. It typically requires time for asituation to play out or for someone else to make an error for the problem tobecome noticeable.




Identifying“Management Problems” Requires Time




One potentialreason why we don’t identify “Management Problem” root causes very often maysimply be because the effect of the problem isn’t immediately obvious. Managers make choices and decisions that direct operations for the future,based on the information they have at the time. Errors or problems in thedecision-making process lead to issues that play out when those futures come topass—weeks, months, or even years after making the decision.




For example,with “Inadequate Resource Allocation,” it takes time for the inadequateresourcing to stress the current situation/environment. There is a time delaybetween the problematic allocation decision and when its effect is noticed.Picture a staffing decision that cuts personnel, leaving too few resources forthe required work, which leads to errors or shortcutting to meet timelines. Ormaybe it’s decided to not use financial resources to upgrade a facility and toallow equipment to run to failure rather than replace it.  Eventually, theequipment fails, impacting production and/or product quality if no qualifiedbackup systems are available. 




Consider thesestaffing examples from FDA warning letters and 483 observations:




You failed to provide an adequate number of     qualified personnel to perform and supervise the manufacture, processing,     packing, or holding of each drug product. Specifically, during an     interview, the Quality Manager stated that investigations are often not     conducted due to a lack of personnel. (2014 warning letter)




There are an inadequate number of personnel     conducting and reviewing complaint investigations at your firm, as evidenced     by the lack of review of critical complaints as required procedurally and     by the fact that, once the deficiencies were discovered, you brought in     outside assistance to conduct the reviews, which should have been done by     your QA staff. (2011 483)




These examplesallude to a couple of different management issues that, combined, may have ledto the problems cited by the FDA:




First, it appears that staffing decisions—maybe     to not hire personnel or to allow for vacant positions to be eliminated,     for example—were made without considering all of the tasks that must be     performed for cGMP compliance.  If the company had a matrix of tasks     required and who performed them, they could have identified that critical     activities were unstaffed and therefore could not be performed.




Subsequently, the failure to complete the tasks     appears to have gone unnoticed.  Had metrics of identification/closure     rates been presented in ongoing management reviews, it might have shown     that complaints were being received but not closed, investigations were     identified as needed but were not progressing, and more. Had those trends     been seen, good practice would have been to identify why they were     happening, realign staff to deal with these areas, and then monitor going     forward.




Identifying“Management Problems” May Require Other Issues To Highlight Them




Anotherpotential reason for identifying so few “Management Problem” root causes may bebecause the problem leads to someone else making a mistake—anoperator, perhaps.  At that point, we usually identify the operator’serror and focus the investigation to why the mistake occurred. Only then can weidentify that the mistake resulted from a “Management Problem,” assuming ourroot cause analysis is good enough to get us to that underlying root cause.




One place thismay be seen is when a situation arises and the operator reacts inappropriatelyor makes a decision they weren’t qualified to make. Initially, these look likea “Personnel Error,” but further investigation identifies that the operatorneeded direction and their supervisor wasn’t available, which left the operatorto decide what to do without appropriate guidance. In this situation, thesupervisor failed to provide adequate oversight. (Operators should be trainedand qualified to perform tasks and handle common issues and problems; however,training cannot address every possible situation that could occur and how tohandle them, which is why supervisory oversight and guidance is needed.) 




Other problemsmay occur when:




Expectations aren’t set or communicated     appropriately. As a result, the operator works without fully understanding     what is expected and makes what they believe is an acceptable     decision.  Had they understood their management’s expectations, the     operator could—and likely would—have made a different decision. 




A policy changes and not enough information is     provided on what it means in the work environment. Or it doesn’t get     communicated to specific groups of people who continue status quo     operations until an error is identified.




A policy is violated, and the manager doesn’t     enforce it.  Letting policy violations slide—even for good     employees—compromises the integrity of the manager, and it doesn’t help     employees to understand performance expectations. As examples, this     situation may happen if managers are not familiar enough with     policies/practices, or if they don’t have personnel management skills and     shy away from difficult conversations.




Thesesituations, and others, can also be found in FDA Warning Letters. For example:




Your management failed to prevent the practices     of product sample retesting without investigation, and rewriting and/or     omission of original CGMP records persisted without implementation of     controls to prevent data manipulation. (2014 FDA Warning Letter)




An employee performing a demonstration of the     bubble point test inside the clean room was observed with their hairnet     improperly donned, exposing ~15 inches of hair to the environment     throughout the demonstration.  The supervisor did not instruct the     employee to correct the deficiency until the demonstration was completed,     after FDA personnel brought it to his attention. (2012 FDA Warning Letter)




Your QA Manager stated investigations are not     conducted unless requested by the client.  However, your firm's SOPs     state that an investigation must be performed whenever a client's sample     results are outside of the stated specification. (2010 FDA Warning Letter)


你们的质量保证经理表示,除非客户要求,否则不会进行调查。但是,你们公司的标准操作规程规定,只要客户的样品结果超出规定标准,就必须进行调查。Your response suggests     that: 1) your training is ineffective; 2) the procedure is not readily     available; 3) the procedure is not understood; or 4) your personnel are     not qualified to perform their functions. Please comment on how your     leadership will ensure that your firm's procedures are fully followed to     achieve an acceptable level of compliance. (2009 FDA Warning Letter)




How To IdentifySituations As “Management Problems”




Identifyingissues like these require a robust root cause analysis program. Investigations must identify the true root cause of the problem—the underlyingcause, not just the direct cause of the specific event. Again, the 5 Whysapproach discussed in my previous article is a useful practiceto help ascertain the underlying cause of the problem.




Use the 5 Whysto identify the root cause of the problem by working through the levels of theHierarchy of Root Causes presented earlier in the article (Figure 1).  Asthe “Why?” questions are posed, push down to the most reasonable level of thehierarchy.  The key to identifying “Management Problems” is to workthrough the analysis—they typically won’t be the first thing you see.




For example, ifwe perform a 5 Whys analysis on one of the previous FDA warning letterobservations—just from what we know—it might go like this:




Your QA Manager stated investigations are not     conducted unless requested by the client. However, your firm's SOPs state     that an investigation must be performed whenever a client's sample results     are outside of the stated specification:




Why is there a difference between the manager’s     explanation and the SOP? Based on what we can glean from the observation,     let’s say the manager wasn’t familiar with the SOPs.




Why might the manager not be familiar with the     SOPs?  It’s possible they weren’t included in his training     curriculum.


为什么经理不熟悉SOP ?有可能他的培训里没有这些内容。


Why might they have not been included in his     training plan? It’s possible his manager overlooked them when developing     or assigning the training curriculum for the position.




This could thenbe categorized as a “Management Problem” and subcategorized as “Policy NotAdequately Disseminated: Individuals who needed to be aware of these SOPs werenot properly informed of their existence and content.” 




You’ll likely betempted to call this a “Training Deficiency,” but it’s not. Following our 5Whys, it’s not a case where training failed because we didn’t know the personneeded the training. We didn’t know this because of a “Management Problem”where the policy existed but wasn’t assigned to all who needed to be aware ofit. Something that needed to be put in place wasn’t and led to the otherissues.




Once you startdown this path of asking “Why?” when situations occur, you’ll be quitesurprised how many items may be identified as “Management Problems”—far morethan the <10% most companies currently see.




Avoiding “ManagementProblems”




The best way todeal with these problems is to avoid them in the first place—by giving managerswhat they need to do their jobs.  At a minimum, it requires:




Emphasizing the importance of communicating     expectations in a way that personnel can relate to them and apply them to     their daily tasks




Company leaders who set expectations and provide     the time for managers to be on-floor with their groups in order to provide     oversight and in-the-moment coaching and direction




Appropriate oversight by all levels of the     organization with a focus on successful performance of compliance-related     activities, not just business results




Making appropriate information available to decision-makers,     such as a matrix of tasks or identification of compliance versus business     needs, etc.




Considering both short- and long- term risks in     the decision-making process to evaluate possible decisions prior to     implementation and identify the potential risks associated with each     choice




Contingency planning during the decision-making     and implementation process, based on the risks identified in the     evaluation process




Providing training programs that develop “soft     skills” required for personnel management, such as communication,     coaching, and performance management processes and tactics, in addition to     ensuring managers possess appropriate technical knowledge for their positions




Managing is adifficult job, and it becomes even more difficult if managers don’t have whatthey need to perform effectively. In this respect, managers are no differentthan operators.  Where they differ is that “Management Problems” can andlikely will be far more costly to an organization’s performance, if they areallowed to continue undiagnosed and unchecked. This can happen when “ManagementProblems” are not considered or identified during root cause analysis.




关键词: GMP


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