嘉峪检测网 2025-03-05 20:29
导读:近日,FDA发布了对Granules India Limited的警告信,其中披露的关于设备清洁交叉污染、数据完整性等严重的GMP问题。
近日,FDA发布了对Granules India Limited的警告信,其中披露的关于设备清洁交叉污染、数据完整性等严重的GMP问题,如下:
该公司对留样样品进行检测,结果确认了存在交叉污染;但是,根据最大允许残留(MACO) 计算结果和其他检测结果,认为药品安全风险较低。
FDA不接受这种说法,FDA认为:交叉污染并不均匀,仅对有限的留样样品进行检测并不能确保产品无污染。虽然 MACO 在经过验证的清洁场景中很有帮助,但它不适用于未执行清洁或暴露不一致的情况。此外,MACO 计算中用于批量大小的分母与(b)(4)料仓大小不一致。认为该公司的MACO 限度没有充分的依据,且未完全涵盖药品的污染风险。
FDA在该公司 AHU 区域地板上观察到鸟粪和羽毛。FDA认为:AHU 区域的条件令人担忧,即可能影响药品生产过程中使用的关键生产设备的送风。
该公司解释鸟类通过 AHU 所在工厂外墙上的许多缝隙进入工厂。并使用网来阻止鸟类进入工厂。FDA表示不接受:FDA认为当解决鸟类进入问题时,未能进行彻底的根本原因分析或评估其他地方的类似漏洞。此外,安装的网的似乎仍然允许较小的动物(例如昆虫)进入AHU 区域。
FDA指出,该公司的HEPA 过滤器完整性和粒子计数测试程序没有明确定义质量部门的角色以在预防性维护期间确认关键 AHU 组件(例如 (b)(4)管道、(b)(4)HEPA 过滤器和 过滤器)的状况,包括评估累积残留、过滤器完整性和整体洁净度。缺乏监督导致在日常维护期间对过滤器更换过程的监控不足,从而无法检测到潜在的过滤器故障、空气泄漏以及破损HEPA 过滤器和管道造成的污染风险
对 CGMP 记录的担忧:在检查过程中,在至少 15 个塑料垃圾袋中发现了大量撕裂的 CGMP 记录,包括分析天平打印输出和包含生产和测试数据的表格。在检查期间和后续通信中,该公司提供了支持文件,声称在塑料垃圾袋中观察到的 CGMP 记录不会影响产品质量。并表示确定了这些问题的几个根本原因,包括良好文件记录实践和数据完整性方案不够明确、SOP 规定不足,要求在有缺陷或难以辨认的打印输出上附加适当的注释、员工对现有程序的误解,以及对内包材的原始数据的控制不足。对此,FDA并不接受。
警告信 320-25-48
2月 26, 2025
尊敬的 Prasad 博士:
美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 检查您的药品生产设施,Granules India Limited,FEI 3004097901,位于 Gagillapur 第 160/A、161/E、162 和 174/A 号调查 村庄, Dundigal-Gandimaisamma Mandal, Medchal-Malkhajgiri 区, 特伦甘纳邦,2024 年 8 月 26 日至 9 月 6 日。
FDA于 2024 年 8 月 26 日至 9 月6 日检查了你们的药品生产设施 Granules India Limited,FEI 3004097901。
这封警告信总结了重要的 违反现行良好生产规范 (CGMP) 法规 成品药。参见美国联邦法规 (CFR) 第 21 篇,部分 210 和 211(21 CFR 第 210 和 211 部分)。
本警告信总结了成品药品违反现CGMP的重大违规。请参阅21 CFR第 210 和 211 部分。
因为您的方法、设施或 制造、加工、包装或保存的控制不符合 CGMP,您的药品属于本节所指的掺假 《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》(FD&C 法案)第 501(a)(2)(B) 条第 21 款 美国法典 351(a)(2)(B)。
由于你们的生产、加工、包装或保存方法、设施或控制措施不符合 CGMP,你们的药品按照FD&C 法 第 501(a)(2)(B)、21 CFR 351(a)(2)(B) 被认定为掺假。
我们审查了您的 2024 年 9 月 27 日 详细回复我们的 FDA 483 表格并确认收到您的 随后的通信。
我们详细审阅了你们于 2024 年 9月 27 日对 FDA 483 表的回复,并确认收到后续的信件。
在我们的检查期间,我们的调查员 观察到的具体违规行为包括但不限于以下内容。
1. Your firm failed to establish and follow adequate written procedures for cleaning and maintenance of equipment (21 CFR 211.67(b)).
贵公司未能建立并遵循适当的设备清洁和维护书面程序 (21 CFR 211.67(b))。
Our investigators observed significant contamination in multiple(b)(4) ducts of non-dedicated (b)(4) used in the preparation of (b)(4) for finished drug products manufactured at your facility. While filters were installed to prevent contamination, inadequate cleaning and maintenance processes rendered them ineffective. Swab samples collected from the (b)(4) ducts by your firm during the inspection, specifically from areas after the (b)(4)μ high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, detected residues from multiple previously manufactured drug products and too numerous to count (TNTC) microbial contamination. Furthermore, you lacked documented cleaning procedures for the sections of the (b)(4) ducts located between the (b)(4)μ HEPA air filter and the cleaning (b)(4). Air flow over dirty surfaces can facilitate contamination of the drug being processed in (b)(4). Robust design, cleaning, and maintenance of this and other equipment are critical to prevent cross-contamination.
我们的检查人员在你们用于生产成品药物的非专用设备的多个管道观察到了严重污染。虽然安装了过滤器以防止污染,但清洁和维护不足使它们无效。贵公司在检查期间从 (b)(4) 管道收集的擦拭样品,特别是从过XX高效过滤器(HEPA)之后的区域收集到的样品中检测到多种先前生产的药物残留和数量过多而无法计数(TNTC)微生物污染。此外,你们缺乏对位于XX HEPA 高效过滤器和XX洁净设备之间的管道部分的书面清洁程序。气流经过肮脏的表面会加剧(b)(4)中正在生产的药物受到污染。此设备和其他设备的稳健设计、清洁和维护对于防止交叉污染至关重要。
In your response, you provide an impact assessment, limited reserve sample testing results, and assurance of low microbiological contamination risk. You identify multiple potential root causes of the air handling unit (AHU) contamination and propose corrective actions and preventive actions (CAPAs). Reserve sample results confirmed cross-contamination; however, you deem the risk to drug product safety low based on your retrospective maximum allowable carry-over (MACO) calculations and additional testing results.
在你们的回复中,你们提供了影响评估、有限的留样样品测试结果以及低微生物污染风险的保证。你们可以确定空气处理机组(AHU)污染的多个潜在根本原因,并提出纠正措施和预防措施(CAPA)。留样样品结果确认了存在交叉污染;但是,根据回顾性最大允许残留(MACO) 计算结果和其他检测结果,你们认为药品安全风险较低。
Your response is inadequate. Cross-contamination is not uniform, and testing of limited reserve samples alone cannot ensure products are contaminant-free. While MACO is helpful in validated cleaning scenarios, it cannot apply where cleaning has not been performed, or exposure is inconsistent. Additionally, the denominators utilized for batch size in your MACO calculations are inconsistent with the size of your(b)(4) bowls. The MACO limits outlined in your response were not adequately justified and fully encompass the contamination risk to drug product. Immediate remediation, effective cleaning protocols, and comprehensive testing are essential to resolve this serious CGMP violation.
你们的回复是不充分的。交叉污染并不均匀,仅对有限的留样样品进行检测并不能确保产品无污染。虽然 MACO 在经过验证的清洁场景中很有帮助,但它不适用于未执行清洁或暴露不一致的情况。此外,MACO 计算中用于批量大小的分母与(b)(4)料仓大小不一致。你们的回复中概述的 MACO 限度没有充分的依据,且未完全涵盖药品的污染风险。立即补救、有效的清洁方案和全面的测试对于解决这种严重的CGMP 违规行为至关重要。
In response to this letter, provide:
A comprehensive, independent retrospective assessment of your cleaning effectiveness to evaluate the scope of cross-contamination hazards. Include the identity of residues, other manufacturing equipment that may have been improperly cleaned, and an assessment whether cross-contaminated products may have been released for distribution. The assessment should identify any inadequacies of cleaning procedures and practices, and encompass each piece of manufacturing equipment used to manufacture more than one product.
A CAPA plan based on the retrospective assessment of your cleaning program, that includes appropriate remediations to your cleaning processes and practices, and timelines for completion. Provide a detailed summary of vulnerabilities in your process for lifecycle management of equipment cleaning. Describe improvements to your cleaning program, including enhancements to cleaning effectiveness; improved ongoing verification of proper cleaning execution for all products and equipment; and all other needed remediations.
CAPA 计划以对清洁计划进行回顾性评估,包括对清洁流程和实践的适当补救措施,以及完成时间表。提供设备清洁生命周期管理流程中漏洞的详细摘要。描述清洁计划的改进,包括提高清洁效果;改进对所有产品和设备正确清洁执行的持续确认;以及所有其他需要的补救措施。
Appropriate improvements to your cleaning validation program, with special emphasis on incorporating conditions identified as worst case in your drug manufacturing operation. This should include but not be limited to identification and evaluation of all worst-case:
Drugs with higher toxicities
Drugs with higher drug potencies
Drugs of lower solubility in their cleaning solvents
Drugs with characteristics that make them difficult to clean
Swabbing locations for areas that are most difficult to clean
Maximum hold times before cleaning
In addition, ensure use of appropriate limits that take into account recovery study results and describe the steps that must be taken in your change management system before introduction of new manufacturing equipment or a new product.
A summary of updated standard operating procedures (SOPs) that ensure an appropriate program is in place for verification and validation of cleaning procedures for products, processes, and equipment.
A holistic review of cleaning procedures and the associated cleaning validation strategy for all manufacturing equipment to determine whether similar deficiencies exist.
2. Your firm failed to maintain buildings used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of drug products in a good state of repair (21 CFR 211.58).
贵公司未能将用于生产、加工、包装或储存药品的建筑保持良好的维护状态 (21 CFR 211.58)。
Bird droppings and feathers were observed during the inspection in the AHU area, specifically on the air purification units,(b)(4) ducts, a (b)(4) tank, a cleaning (b)(4), and on the floors surrounding multiple (b)(4) inside your drug manufacturing facility. The conditions in your AHU area raise concerns about potential contamination affecting the air supplied to critical manufacturing equipment utilized in your drug manufacturing process.
在 AHU 区域进行检查期间,特别是在空气净化装置、(b)(4) 管道、(b)(4) 水箱、清洁 (b)(4) 以及药品生产设施内多个 (b)(4) 周围的地板上观察到鸟粪和羽毛。AHU 区域的条件令人担忧,即可能影响药品生产过程中使用的关键生产设备的送风。
In your response, you explain that birds were entering the manufacturing facility through numerous gaps in the exterior walls of the facility where the AHUs are located. You outline immediate actions to identify and block entry points for birds using nets.
在你们的回复中,你们解释说,鸟类通过 AHU 所在工厂外墙上的许多缝隙进入工厂。你们概述了使用鸟网识别和阻止鸟类进入点的即时行动。
Your response is inadequate. While you address the entry of birds and cleaned the area, you fail to perform a thorough root cause analysis or assess similar vulnerabilities elsewhere. Furthermore, pictures of the netting you installed appear to still allow smaller animals, such as insects, access to your AHU area.
你们的回复是不充分的。当解决鸟类进入问题并清理该区域时,你们未能进行彻底的根本原因分析或评估其他地方的类似漏洞。此外,你们安装的网的照片似乎仍然允许较小的动物(例如昆虫)进入你们的AHU 区域。
In response to this letter provide a CAPA plan and timeline to implement routine, vigilant operations management oversight of facilities. This plan should ensure, among other things, prompt detection of facilities contamination issues, effective execution of repairs, adherence to appropriate preventive maintenance schedules, timely technological upgrades to the facility infrastructure, and improved systems for ongoing management review.
回复此函,请提供 CAPA 计划和时间表,以对设施实施例行、警惕的运营管理监督。除其他外,该计划应确保及时发现设施污染问题、有效执行维修、遵循适当的预防性维护计划、及时对设施基础设施进行技术升级,以及改进系统以进行持续的管理审查。
3. Your firm failed to routinely calibrate, inspect, or check according to a written program designed to assure proper performance of automatic, mechanical, electronic equipment, or other types of equipment, including computers, used in the manufacture, processing, packing, and holding of a drug product (21 CFR 211.68(a)).
贵公司未能按照书面程序进行日常校准、检查或检定,以确保用于生产、加工、包装和保存药品的自动、机械、电子设备或其他类型设备(包括计算机)正常运行 (21 CFR 211.68(a))。
You failed to adequately inspect and maintain your AHUs to ensure air filters would be effective at preventing contamination. The procedure for HEPA filter integrity and particle count testing did not clearly define the quality unit’s role in verifying the condition of critical AHU components, such as(b)(4) ducts, (b)(4)μ HEPA filters, and (b)(4)μ filters, during preventive maintenance, including assessing accumulated residues, filter integrity, and overall cleanliness. The lack of oversight led to insufficient monitoring of the filter replacement process during routine maintenance, preventing the detection of potential filter failures, air leakage, and contamination risks from compromised HEPA filters and ducting, which remained unaddressed and uninvestigated. These deficiencies demonstrate your failure to maintain a robust program to assure the proper performance of equipment essential to the manufacturing, processing, and holding of your drug products.
你们未能充分检查和维护 AHU 以确保空气过滤器能够有效防止污染。HEPA 过滤器完整性和粒子计数测试程序没有明确定义质量部门的角色以在预防性维护期间确认关键 AHU 组件(例如 (b)(4)管道、(b)(4)HEPA 过滤器和 过滤器)的状况,包括评估累积残留、过滤器完整性和整体洁净度。缺乏监督导致在日常维护期间对过滤器更换过程的监控不足,从而无法检测到潜在的过滤器故障、空气泄漏以及破损HEPA 过滤器和管道造成的污染风险,这些问题仍未得到解决和调查。这些缺陷表明你们未能维持一个强大的计划,以确保对药品的生产、加工和保存至关重要的设备正常运行。
In your response, you note damage to the(b)(4) filters was confirmed by the original equipment manufacturer and potentially increased pressure differentials. You propose monitoring pressure differentials to determine when cleaning or replacement of filters is needed.
在你们的回复中,你们指出原设备制造商已确认 (b)(4) 过滤器损坏,并且压差可能增加。你们建议监测压差,以确定何时需要清洁或更换过滤器。
Your response is inadequate. While you acknowledge damage to the(b)(4) and propose periodic pressure differential monitoring, you fail to address the root cause or assess risks to airflow and cross-contamination identified during this inspection.
In response to this letter, provide your CAPA plan to implement routine, vigilant operations management oversight of equipment. This plan should ensure, among other things, prompt detection of equipment performance issues, effective execution of repairs, adherence to appropriate preventive maintenance schedules, timely technological upgrades to the equipment infrastructure, and improved systems for ongoing management review. Your plan should also ensure that appropriate actions are taken throughout the company network.
回复此函,请提供你们的 CAPA 计划,以对设备实施日常、警惕的运营管理监督。除其他外,该计划应确保及时发现设备性能问题、有效执行维修、遵循适当的预防性维护计划、及时对设备基础设施进行技术升级,以及改进系统以进行持续的管理审查。你们的计划还应确保在整个公司网络中采取适当的行动。
Concerns with CGMP records
对 CGMP 记录的担忧
A large amount of torn CGMP records were discovered in at least 15 plastic waste bags during the inspection, including analytical balance printouts and worksheets containing manufacturing and testing data.
在检查过程中,在至少 15 个塑料垃圾袋中发现了大量撕裂的 CGMP 记录,包括分析天平打印输出和包含生产和测试数据的表格。
检查期间和后续 通信中,您提供了支持文件,声称 CGMP 在塑料垃圾袋中观察到的记录不会影响产品质量。你 确定了这些问题的几个根本原因,包括清晰度不足 在良好的文档实践和数据完整性协议中,SOP 不足 要求附加有缺陷或难以辨认的打印输出 适当的注释、员工对现有程序的误解,以及 对初级包装材料的原始数据表控制不足。
在检查期间和后续通信中,你们提供了支持文件,声称在塑料垃圾袋中观察到的 CGMP 记录不会影响产品质量。你们确定了这些问题的几个根本原因,包括良好文件记录实践和数据完整性方案不够明确、SOP 规定不足,要求在有缺陷或难以辨认的打印输出上附加适当的注释、员工对现有程序的误解,以及对内包材的原始数据的控制不足。
您的质量体系不充分 确保数据的准确性和完整性,以支持安全性、有效性、 以及您生产的药物的质量。请参阅 FDA 的指导文件数据 药品 CGMP 的完整性和合规性,为建立提供指导 以及遵循 https://www.fda.gov/media/119267/download 符合 CGMP 的数据完整性实践。
你们的质量体系无法充分确保数据的准确性和完整性,以支持所生产的药物的安全性、有效性和质量。请参阅 FDA 指南《药物 CGMP 的数据完整性和合规性》了解有关建立和遵循 CGMP 合规数据可靠性实践的指南:https://www.fda.gov/media/119267/download。