
FDA发布MMC Healthcare Ltd.的警告信,警告信涉及多个缺陷

嘉峪检测网 2024-10-16 08:00

导读:近日,FDA发布了MMC Healthcare Ltd.的警告信,警告信涉及多个缺陷。

近日,FDA发布了MMC Healthcare Ltd.的警告信,警告信涉及多个缺陷,包括:




用于溶出度检测的紫外-可见(UV-Vis)分光光度计的计算机系统缺乏适当的控制来确保数据完整性,例如审计追踪和规定的用户访问级别。该公司在回复中表示“希望更新UV/Vis [sic]软件”以符合要求,并提供了新软件的报价。FDA不接受该答复并给出了整改的详细要求。




1. Your firm failed to establish an adequate quality control unit with the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components, drug product containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging materials, labeling, and drug products (21 CFR 211.22(a)).


贵公司未能建立一个足够的质量控制部门以具备责任和权力批准或拒绝所有成分、药品容器、密封部件、中间产品、包装材料、标签和药品(21 CFR 211.22(a))。


During the inspection of your facility our Investigator observed that your 2021 (b)(4) Tablets “PROCESS VALIDATION” report had data added, backdated signatures, and replaced pages. Your Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Control Manager, Formulation Research & Development Manager, and Production Manager admitted to participating in these practices.


在对你们工厂的检查中,我们的检查人员发现你们2021 xx片剂的“工艺验证”报告中添加了数据,倒签日期,并更换了页码。你们的QA经理、QC经理、研发经理和生产经理承认参与了这些活动。


Review of the (b)(4) Capsules (b)(4) mg “PROCESS VALIDATION” report collected during the inspection also found a backdated approval stamp and signatures.


对检查期间收集的xx胶囊xx mg“工艺验证”报告的审核也发现了批准盖章和签名存在倒签。


In your response, you state that “due to pressure and tensions the concerned team mentioned the back date instead of current date unintentionally.”Additionally, you provide evidence of training conducted with your validation team to prevent such issues from recurring.




Your response is inadequate because you fail to fully review the extent of your practice of backdating CGMP documents. You did not provide adequate evidence to demonstrate that you have conducted a comprehensive assessment of all systems and adequately remediated the deficiencies related to your documentation practices. There is also no indication that you have implemented appropriate and effective corrective actions and preventive actions (CAPAs) throughout your drug manufacturing operations to ensure your manufacturing operation is under control and that your quality unit (QU) is adequately exercising its responsibilities.




2. Your firm failed to exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure that only authorized personnel institute changes in master production and control records, or other records (21 CFR 211.68(b)).


贵公司未能对计算机或相关系统实施适当的控制,以确保只有经授权的人员才能对主生产和控制记录或其他记录进行更改(21 CFR 211.68(b))


Your ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer computer system lacked appropriate controls to assure the integrity of electronic test data, such as an audit trail and defined user access levels. This UV-Vis system was used for release testing of drug product batches.




In your response, you state that you “would like to update the UV/Vis [sic] software” to be compliant and provide a quote for new software.


在你们的回复中,你们表示“希望更新UV/Vis [sic]软件”以符合要求,并提供了新软件的报价。


Your response is inadequate because it does not provide sufficient details describing:




Timeframe for your corrective action.




Security features of your updated UV-Vis computer system.




User access levels, access privileges, or authorized users to perform the analyses, collect data, review data, or perform other functions.




Integrity of data generated by your computerized systems in the interim and any other interim measures, prior to the full implementation of your corrective actions.




Extent of this practice and how you will fully secure other CGMP computer systems in your facility.




3. Your firm failed to establish the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of its test methods (21 CFR 211.165(e)).


贵公司未能建立分析方法的准确性、灵敏度、专属性和可重复性(21 CFR 211.165(e))。


You did not use a United States Pharmacopeia (USP) method to test multiple drug products nor did you show equivalency or superiority for your alternate methods. For example, your E. coli test method for (b)(4) Solution and (b)(4) Tablets drug products only required sub-culturing if turbidity was observed. This differs from the USP method which proceeds with sub-culturing regardless of visual observation of turbidity. Additionally, you could not provide method validation data that established the adequacy of the test methods you use.




Test methods must be validated to show they are suitable for their intended use, and equivalent or better than applicable USP compendial methods. The reproducibility of your test methods is essential to determine if your drug products meet established specifications for microbial attributes.




In your response, you state that you revised your test method to align with the USP and retrained your microbiologists. You also state that you retested most batches of (b)(4) Solution within expiry using the revised method, all of which passed.




Your response is inadequate. You do not commit to retest all products and batches within expiry with the revised method. In addition, there is no indication that your method is equivalent or superior to the USP. There is also no information to evaluate all your test methods to ensure they are aligned with the USP.






关键词: FDA警告信 药品监管


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